Welcome to MakCorps! Born out of a need for accuracy, efficiency, and most importantly, transparency in the hotel pricing landscape, we aim to empower hoteliers, travel professionals, and businesses alike. Our cutting-edge technology is meticulously designed to ensure that you stay ahead of the curve, offering an unmatched view of market trends, competition analysis, and the best possible rates. By harnessing the power of real-time pricing data, we help you make informed decisions, optimize your pricing strategy, and unlock new growth opportunities.

Our Founder’s Vision

hotel search api

Meet our founder, Manthan Koolwal, a tech maestro since grade school. His passion for coding is rooted in one core principle – making lives easier. He uses that same principle to help businesses like yours to thrive in this competitive era.

Our Journey

Throughout his 12 years of the journey towards crafting the ultimate hotel pricing data API for hoteliers and Online Travel Agencies (OTAs), he keenly understood the challenges that new small to medium-sized hoteliers and OTAs, and travel agencies business faces. A common struggle lies in accessing accurate real-time pricing information, a necessity heightened by the surge in online bookings. The multitude of OTAs further complicates this, making manual tracking an unfeasible and often inaccurate method. Additionally, the unpredictability of market trends and customer behavior presents an ongoing hurdle, particularly when comprehensive pricing insights are lacking. The result of our dedication? An innovative API that tracks competitor rates from over 200 OTAs. Makcorps has created a solution designed to overcome these challenges. Our API empowers businesses to refine their pricing strategy which helps hotel business to keep pace with market dynamics and stay ahead of the competition.

hotel search api

Makcorps is a hotel rate shopping tool that provides hotel prices from more than 200 OTAs to travel agencies, businesses & hotel chains in a single GET request.